Tuesday, April 28, 2009

from the sketch book..

Monday, April 27, 2009


This coming up summer makes me feel so happy, but the rain makes me so depressed those days and all the mess around us, its so terrible, and I feel that my body and soul needs a rest, real holidys, I want to go somewhere out of the town, our of the country, looking for my old photos and thinking about Bamberg, oh I miss it so...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

stupid Sunday

From my sketch book..

Butterflies on my wall...

Friday, April 24, 2009


Was visiting my neighbour's kitchen yestarday...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I still continue searching and shooting paintings on the old enamel dishes.. I Found them in my grandma's house, they where full of "Khachapuri" and when this tasty food dissapeared in our bellyes I found them on the table..
Missing Italy so,so much:(((

Monday, April 20, 2009

second part of day

Found this old bright coloured house sitting in the route-car on my way to the granny's house...

Shuted this little red sketch on the day light ...


Started yestarday this Pioneer girl with red childhood...

I think its already done, or not??!!!

Continued this two lost men also....

Spring in my granny's garden...

Best granny in the world

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Here are the ladies of Soviet Santa, two of them, two "Snegurachkas", its funny but my 3 years god-son draged them from somewhere yetarday, propably his granny gave him, he came with the broad smile on his face holding them in his little arms, thanks god that now thay are only the past and nowaday my little god-son dose not plays with such shitty toys, It makes me always to be estaonished each time, when those little ghosts from the past appears in our lives....

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Love this photo, from the book of Photograpy, which my friend presented me long ago...

I am too alone in the world, and yet not alone enough
to make every hour holy.
I am too small in the world, and yet not tiny enough
just to stand before you like a thing,
dark and shrewd.
I want my will, and I want to be with my will
as it moves towards deed;
and in those quiet, somehow hesitating times,
when something is approaching
I want to be with those who are wise
or else alone.
I want always to be a mirror that reflects your whole being,
and never to be too blind or too old
to hold your heavy, swaying image.
I want to unfold.
Nowhere do I want to remain folded,
because where I am bent and folded, there I am lie.
And I want my meaning
true for you. I want to describe myself
like a painting that I studiedclosely for a long, long time,
like a word I finally understood,
like the pitcher of water I use every day ,
like the face of my mother,
like a ship
that carried me
through the deadliest storm of all.
~ rainer maria rilke


The day before Easter..

Friday, April 17, 2009

My today's sketch in oil colours...

Thursday, April 16, 2009


From my sketch book..

I got these beautiful flowers in the morning again from my neighbor from the 6th floor, thank you dear neighbor, they are really lovely:))))

Its a rainy day

The week was very stressful, a lot of work at the office, the mood was not also very high, it is raining all day long, like it is always in the last week of the upcoming Easter and as it was in my childhood I still believe that they are the tears of the heaven coming on the earth, in the next days we should paint eggs in red colour, bake "Paska" (its a Easter cake in Georgia) and visit the graves of our ancestors..... The good new it that I have four days holiday, so planty of time for drawing and making good things....

Visiting my beloved granny yestarday....

Monday, April 13, 2009

The day actualy was normal, ispite of that it was the 13th of April and Monday:((( hate number 13, was scared, waiting for somthing bad, but thanks god everything was OK..
From my sketch book...

Sunday, April 12, 2009


I woke up early in the morning, had my breakfast and switched TV and there was a movie "Monster" with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci, I love both of them, I think they both are very strong, expecially Ricci, but OMG I was totaly brocken and depressed in two hours, (expecially now in this situation when my city is one big demonstarion I don't need negative feelings) Thanks God that I want to the church lately and cured my soul, I felt as if a huge load droped from my shoulders!! Lately I want to the pown shop whose owner is my neighbor downstairs (they say that mobiles are cheaper there) and I wanted to change my old one, as I am not ediced at all on the mobiles and another reason is that I always delay myself spending my one month salary on the phone, that's way I have very cheap, stone age phone and finaly I want to change it , oh but I still love it, its a present from my sister Nana, Sister I Miss You So, So, So Much) she is in Italy now, spending her holidays there!!
I have not done anything usefull today put I am posting my yestarday result, please cheak it tell your empressions:)))

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day off

Looking for the sunny days to wear them:)))

Friday, April 10, 2009