I woke up early in the morning, had my breakfast and switched TV and there was a movie "Monster" with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci, I love both of them, I think they both are very strong, expecially Ricci, but OMG I was totaly brocken and depressed in two hours, (expecially now in this situation when my city is one big demonstarion I don't need negative feelings) Thanks God that I want to the church lately and cured my soul, I felt as if a huge load droped from my shoulders!! Lately I want to the pown shop whose owner is my neighbor downstairs (they say that mobiles are cheaper there) and I wanted to change my old one, as I am not ediced at all on the mobiles and another reason is that I always delay myself spending my one month salary on the phone, that's way I have very cheap, stone age phone and finaly I want to change it , oh but I still love it, its a present from my sister Nana, Sister I Miss You So, So, So Much) she is in Italy now, spending her holidays there!!
I have not done anything usefull today put I am posting my yestarday result, please cheak it tell your empressions:)))

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